Friday, May 24, 2024

Divine Favour

The Power of Divine Favour:

Today I want to speak to you about the transformative power of Divine Favour. 
The favour of God is a precious gift that can alter the course of our lives in the most remarkable ways.

In the Scriptures, we find countless examples of how the favour of the Almighty has turned the tides of history and changed the destinies of His children. 

Take for instance the story of Noah. In Genesis 6:8, we read these profound words: 

"But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord." 

Because of this divine favour, Noah was spared from the great flood that destroyed the world, and he and his family were preserved to continue the human race.

Another powerful example is that of Esther. As a young Jewish girl, she was chosen to become the queen of Persia. But it was not by her own merit or cunning that she attained this lofty position. No, it was by the sovereign favour of God that she was elevated, so that she could save her people from destruction. As Esther 4:14 declares, 

"And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

We also see the transformative power of divine favour in the life of David. 

From a humble shepherd boy, David was anointed by the prophet Samuel to become the next king of Israel. Though he faced many trials and tribulations, David remained steadfast in his faith, and the Lord's favour rested upon him.

1 Samuel 16:13 tells us, 

"Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward."

My friends, the favour of God is not limited to the great heroes of the Bible. It is available to all who seek it with sincere hearts.

In Luke 2:52, we read about Jesus, who:

 "increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man." 

If the Son of God himself was blessed with divine favour, how much more do you and me need this favour?

The favour of God can open doors that no man can shut.
It can provide for our needs, protect us from harm, and propel us to greater heights than we ever imagined.

As Proverbs 3:4 states, 

"So you will find favour and good success in the sight of God and man."

I encourage you to seek the Lord's favour with all your heart. For when the favour of God rests upon you, your life will be transformed in ways that will surprise you.

Do not settle for less than the best that God has in store for you. Embrace the power of divine favour, and watch as your circumstances change in a matter of moments.

Boniface Amani Gichina

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