Thursday, June 27, 2024

Righteousness and Justice Across All Levels of Leadership

The Need for Righteousness and Justice Across All Levels of Leadership in Kenya:

We look at the Word of God in Isaiah 32:16-18 NLT

“16. Justice will rule in the wilderness and righteousness in the fertile field.
17. And this righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever.
18. My people will live in safety, quietly at home. They will be at rest”.

Dear Kenyan, today I want us to reflect on the importance of righteousness and justice in our society. 

As we look around our nation, we see a deep need for godly leadership that will uphold these principles in every sphere of life.

Prophet Isaiah paints a beautiful picture of what can be when righteousness and justice reign. He declares, 

"Justice will rule in the wilderness and righteousness in the fertile field." - Isaiah 32:16

This is a promise from the Lord - that when we prioritize what is right and just, it will transform even the most desolate and challenging areas of our lives and nation.

But, righteousness and justice must begin in our own hearts and homes. 

As parents, we are called to model these virtues for our children, ensuring that our families and homes are places of fairness, integrity, and moral uprightness.
When we walk in righteousness, it will,

"bring peace" and "quietness and confidence forever." - Isaiah 32:17

This call for righteousness and justice does not stop there. It must permeate every institution and sphere in our society. 

In our churches and places of worship; -our leaders must be people of unwavering character, who uphold God's standards of integrity and equity. 

In our businesses and marketplaces, we must conduct ourselves with honesty, fairness, and a commitment to the common good.

At the level of local government, our county leaders and representatives must be people who seek to serve the people with justice and compassion, ensuring that the rights of all citizens are protected. 

In the halls of Parliament and the corridors of power in the National Government, we must demand leaders who will govern with righteousness and justice, making decisions that reflect the will of God for His people.

Even in the Judiciary, those entrusted with interpreting and upholding the law must do so with the utmost integrity, free from bias or corruption. 

It is only when justice and righteousness reigns, that our people can: 

"live in safety, in quietness, and at rest, at home” - Isaiah 32:18

May our homes, our churches, our institutions, and our government be places where righteousness and justice prevail, so that our people may dwell in peace and safety.

This is the vision that God has for our nation, and is calling each of us to be instruments of righteousness and justice.

Remember, charity begins at home. Start where you are.

Let us all heed this call and be instruments of righteousness and justice, so we can live in peace and prosperity, in this beautiful country called Kenya.

Kazi kwako: Kazi Kwangu !!!

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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