Thursday, June 27, 2024

Be A Happy Parent: Not A Perfect Parent

Be A Happy Parent: Not A Perfect Parent. 

Today, I want us to look at two wise sayings, concerning children and parents.

1. Children Love Happy Parents, Not Perfect Parents.

2. Children Love Loving Parents, Not Rich Parents.

As parents, we often feel immense pressure:

• To be perfect:
• To provide our children with the best of everything, 
• To have it all together, 
• To never make mistakes. 

However, the wise words we've heard today remind us that this is not what our children truly need from us. 

Instead, our children long for parents who are happy and loving, not necessarily perfect.

This can be supported with a few Scriptures:

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." - Proverbs 17:22

"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." - Proverbs 15:17

Our children do not need us to be perfect parents. They need us to be happy parents. 

A joyful, content spirit is like medicine to a child's soul. When we are at peace and exude joy, it has a healing effect on our children.

Similarly, our children do not need us to be wealthy parents. They need us to be loving parents. 

The Scripture reminds us that it is better to have a humble home filled with affection than a grand mansion filled with strife and discord. 

Our children would rather have our time, our attention, and our unconditional love than any material possession.

When we free ourselves from the unrealistic expectation of perfection and instead focus on providing a home filled with happiness and love, we will witness our children blossoming.

Brethren, let us not be weighed down by the pressure to be flawless parents. 

Instead, let us strive to be joyful and loving parents who reflect the grace and compassion of our Father in Heaven. 

This way, our children will find the security, comfort, and belonging they so desperately need.

Our children's deepest needs are met not by perfection, but by the gift of our genuine happiness and unconditional love.

Be a joyful parent:

Be a loving parent.

You will be surprised by the positive impact it will have upon your children.

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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