Saturday, June 8, 2024

Leadership By Skills and Integrity

Leadership by Skills and Integrity - Psalm 78:70-72 (KJV)

Today we look to the example of a man who rose to great leadership through the combination of his skills and his integrity. 

That man is David, the shepherd boy who was chosen by God to be the king of Israel.

In Psalm 78:70, we read that 

"He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds." 

David was a humble shepherd boy, tending his flock in the fields. But God saw the potential in him, the skills and the character that would make him a great leader.

The passage tells us that God,

"brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance."  Ps.78:71

God elevated David from the sheepfold to the throne, because He knew that David possessed the necessary skills and integrity to shepherd His people well.

First, we see that David had the, 

"skilfulness of his hands." – Ps.78:72

As a shepherd, he had developed expertise in caring for his flock – 

• Guiding them to green pastures,
• Protecting them from predators, and
• Keeping them safe. 

These were the exact skills that would translate into effective leadership over God's people.

But David's leadership was not just about his abilities - it was also grounded in the;

"integrity of his heart."  - Ps.78:72

The Bible tells us that David was, 

"a man after God's own heart." - Acts 13:22 (KJV)

He had a deep, abiding relationship with God, and his character was marked by qualities like,

• Humility, 
• Courage, and
• Faithfulness.

This combination of skill and integrity is the hallmark of true, godly leadership. 

A leader who is highly skilled but lacks integrity will ultimately fail. Their leadership will be tainted by selfishness and pride. 

Likewise, a leader of great integrity but lacking in practical skills will struggle to guide their people effectively.

But when these two qualities - skill and integrity - come together in a leader, there is a powerful and transformative potential. 

Such a leader can navigate the complexities of their role with wisdom and discernment, while also inspiring their people with a vision that is rooted in moral and ethical principles.

This is the kind of leadership that our world desperately needs today. 

In a time of great uncertainty and global turmoil, we long for leaders who not only possess the competence to tackle the challenges we face, but who also have the character and integrity to guide us with wisdom and compassion.

Let us look to the example of David, and strive to emulate his combination of skill and integrity. 

Let us develop our talents and abilities, even as we cultivate a heart that is steadfast in its devotion to God.

God is searching for people with skills and integrity to raise them to leadership positions. 

Skills and integrity will LOCATE a man in a Bush, and RELOCATE him to a High Table.


You will THANK ME later. 

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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