Friday, June 7, 2024

Little Foxes That Destroy Our Lives

Small Foxes That Spoil Our Lives:

Today I want to speak about the danger of "Small Bad Habits".

"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes" (Song of Solomon 2:15 KJV).

Just like those little foxes that can destroy a whole vineyard, the small bad habits we allow to take root in our lives can eventually spoil and ruin our lives if we are not vigilant. 

Whether it's:
• A nagging physical ailment, 
• A minor conflict in our family, or 
• A careless misuse of our finances,

These seemingly insignificant issues, if left unchecked, can snowball into major crises that threaten to tear our lives apart.

Consider the pain in your body that you have been ignoring. That occasional discomfort, or that lingering headache, may seem like a small thing now, but if you continue to neglect it, it can develop into a serious condition that robs you of your good health tomorrow.

The longer you wait to address it, the harder it will be to find a medical  solution.

That little disagreement with your spouse or your child. It may feel like a small thing, something that you can just brush aside. 

But if you allow that seed of discord to take root, it can grow into a major family crisis  that breaks your cherished relationships.

Before you know it, a simple misunderstanding has torn your family apart.

What about that one time misuse of your savings?

It may seems like a harmless decision at the time, but if you continue to make financial choices without discipline, you can find yourself drowning in debts.

My friends, we must not underestimate the power of small bad habits. 

Like those little foxes, they may seem small at first, but they have the potential to spoil the tender grapes of our lives.

The good news is that we have the power to address these small issues before they get out of control. 

We can take proactive steps to identify and confront the small bad habits that threaten to undermine our lives.

• We can seek medical attention for that nagging pain,
• We can work on improving communication in our families, and
• We can practice wise stewardship of our finances.

By doing so, we will protect the tender grapes of our lives and ensure that they grow to bear the sweet fruit they are meant to bear in our lives.

For the sake of our health, our relationships, and our futures, let us stand firm against the little foxes.

Deal with your little foxes before they deal with you.

Deal with them today: tomorrow may be too late.

Catch them and kill them today. Tomorrow they will be too many, too strong, and too swift to catch.

Omba Kama Suleiman:
“Tukamatie mbweha, 
Wale mbweha wadogo, 
Waiharibuo mizabibu, 
Maana mizabibu yetu yachanua”

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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