Monday, June 10, 2024

Come Let Us Reason Together

Come Now, Let Us Reason Together.

Today we are blessed to hear the gracious invitation of our Heavenly Father. Saying, 

"Come now, and let us reason together." – Isa.1:18

Our God, the Creator of the universe, the King of kings, desires to engage with us, in an open, one-on-one dialogue. 

He does not demand our presence. He gently invites us to come and reason with Him.

Why does He invite us? 

Because He sees the weight of our sins, how they have stained and scattered our lives. 

In His infinite mercy, He declares, 

"though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." – Isa.1:18

What a glorious promise, from a loving Father!

Our God is not happy to leave us in our filthy rags of sin. No, He longs to cleanse us, to transform us, to make us as pure and radiant as snow. 

He desires to cover us in the spotless garment of His righteousness, making us as clean and untarnished as the finest wool.

But this invitation comes with a condition:
"If ye be willing and obedient." – Isa.1:19

He asks that we surrender our hearts to Him, that we align our wills with His perfect plan. 

When, we do so, the promise is clear: 

"ye shall eat the good of the land." – Isa.1:19

Beloved, this is the heart of our Heavenly Father – 

• To bless us, 
• To prosper us, 
• To shower us with the abundance of His goodness. 

He does not want to see us in a state of brokenness and despair.

He want to elevate us and lavish us with the very best the land can offer.

Let us heed this gracious invitation today. 

Let us come before the Lord, confessing our sins, allowing Him to cleanse us and clothe us in His righteousness. 

Let us be willing and obedient, surrendering our lives to His perfect will.

When we do so, we will experience the transformative power of His love. 

Our scarlet sins will be made as white as snow, and we will walk in the beauty of His holiness; feasting on the goodness and the blessings of the Land.

Come to God with all your baggage.

Come to Him with your shortcomings.

Come have an open discussion with Him.

Present your matters as they are.
You will be glad, you did it.

The good of the land will not escape you again. 

May this be the testimony of each and every one of us, this year.

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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