Monday, September 2, 2024

Handle People With Care

Be Careful How You Judge People:

My dear brethren, today, I want us to reflect on some wise words that we must take to heart. A wise man said:

"Be careful how you judge and handle people, some angels sent to help you don't look like it."

In Hebrews 13:2 KJV, Paul writes,

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares"..

How often do we judge a person by their outward appearance, without truly seeing the beauty of their heart? 

How many times have we overlooked an opportunity to show kindness, simply because the person didn't fit our preconceived notions of what an 'angel' should look like?

Let us remember that the Lord sees the heart, and His ways are not our ways. 

The very people we may be tempted to dismiss or overlook could be the very ones God has sent to bless us, to challenge us, to teach us, to direct us, or even to marry us.

Let us approach each person with an open mind and a compassionate heart.

We never know when we might be entertaining an angel in disguise.

Angels are not always dressed in white.

Some angels have their wings in their heart and not on their body.

May we be gentle and gracious in our dealings with all people: for in doing so, we honour the Lord and open ourselves to the amazing work He desires to do in our lives through people He sends on our paths from time to time.

Let us be mindful of how we judge and handle those around us. 

Angels sent to help us may not always look as we expect: but their impact on our lives can be truly extraordinary.

I personally have met many angels that have done amazing things in my life, but they did not look the part in our first meeting.

Some of my prayers were answered through people I would never have thought they would mean much to me.

The boy that carried two small fishes and five "chapatis", that Jesus used to feed five thousand men did not look the part - Luke 6:9-12.

Be careful, how you judge and handle people around you.

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)
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