Saturday, September 21, 2024

Change Your Perception To Change Your Life

Change Your Perception To Change Your Life.

My dear brethren, today I wish to speak to you about the power of perspective.

A wise man said,

"If you can't change your circumstances, change the way you look at your circumstances"

As we journey through life, we are bound to face challenges, difficulties, and circumstances that may seem beyond our control. 

It is in these moments that the wise words before us become a very important: 

"If you can't change your circumstances, change the way you look at your circumstances."

In Philippians 4:11 KJV, Apostle Paul writes, 

"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content"

Even in the midst of his own trials and tribulations, Paul recognized the importance of finding contentment, not by changing his external circumstances, but by changing his internal perspective.

My friends, this is the invitation before us today. 

When the clouds of life seem to darken, and the burdens we carry feel too heavy to bear, we have the power to shift our focus. 

Please remember, 

"There is always a silver lining on any dark cloud" and,

"There is always some beauty hidden in any ugly thing."

Don't allow your difficulty circumstances overshadow the blessings that still remain in your life.

If you pause, take a deep breath, and open your eyes to the blessings surrounding you, you will find that your perspective has power to transform your reality.

May we, like Apostle Paul, learn to be content in all circumstances.

In doing so, we will discover the silver linings and the hidden beauty that God has placed in our lives.

Please know this from today:

"If you can't change your circumstances, change the way you look at your circumstances"

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)
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