Monday, July 8, 2024

Young In Age, Old By Exposure.

Young In Age: Old By Exposure. 

Today, I wish to try and unpack an African proverb that says:

"A young man that travels a lot is older than an old man that sits in the village,"

This African proverb teaches us an important lesson about the value of experience and exposure. 

It suggests that a young person who ventures out and sees the world can gain more knowledge and maturity than an older person who remains confined to their local village. 

This African proverb suggests that the young traveller, through their exposure to: 
•New ideas, 
•New people, and 
•New experiences, 
can gain a maturity that exceeds that of the older villager who has never ventured beyond the familiar confines of their community. 

Travelling, whether physically or by learning, can broaden our perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and deepen our wisdom.

This African proverb encourages us to be like the young traveller - to seek out new experiences, to explore the world beyond our comfort zones, and to never stop learning and growing. 

Through exposure we can truly become wise, regardless of our age or status in life.

Invest in exposure and make the world your village.

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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