Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bob Nesta Marley: Who The Cap Fit

This song by Bob Marley, "Who the Cap Fit," is a thought-provoking commentary on the human condition, trust, and hypocrisy. Here's a breakdown of the lyrics:

 "Man to man is so unjust": Highlights the unfair treatment of others by their fellow humans.

 "Children, you don't know who to trust": Suggests that it's challenging to determine who is genuine and who is not.

 "Your worst enemy could be your best friend, and your best friend, your worst enemy": Emphasizes the complexity of relationships and how easily trust can be betrayed.

"Some will eat and drink with you, then behind them su-su 'pon you": Describes hypocrites who pretend to be friendly but secretly plot against you.

 "Only your friend knows your secrets, so only he could reveal it": Highlights the importance of trust and confidentiality in friendships.

 "And who the cap fit, let them wear it": A Jamaican proverb meaning "whoever the criticism applies to, let them accept it."

The repetition of "cok-cok-cok" and "cluck-cluck-cluck" is a form of wordplay, using chicken sounds to emphasize the "fowl play" or hypocrisy.

 "Some will hate you, pretend they love you now, then behind they try to eliminate you": Describes those who fake affection but secretly harbor ill intentions.

 "But who Jah bless, no one curse": Affirms that divine protection is stronger than any curse or negative energy.

 "Thank God we're past the worst": Expresses gratitude for overcoming challenges.

 "Hypocrites and parasites will come up and take a bite": Criticizes those who pretend to be friendly but exploit others for personal gain.

"And if your night should turn to day, a lot of people would run away": Suggests that when the truth is revealed, many will distance themselves from the hypocrisy.

The song encourages listeners to be cautious of fake friends, hypocrites, and those who pretend to be something they're not. It emphasizes the importance of trust, genuine relationships, and divine protection.
#reggaemusicforever #legendary 

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