Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Gen Z Time Bomb Exploded

Gen Z Has Always Been A Time Bomb: Waiting To Happen. 

Kenyan Society has let down the young people, especially Gen Z, for so long: but it couldn't go forever. 

Below are seven reasons why Gen Z are frustrated with not just the finance bill, but a lot more else happening in our society. 

1. Parental Disconnect: Many Kenyan parents today are so consumed by work and other commitments that they have little quality time to truly connect with their children. This disconnect leaves Gen Z feeling unsupported and overlooked.

2. Education-Job Mismatch: The Kenyan education system often fails to equip young people with the practical skills needed in the modern job market. This creates a frustrating mismatch between qualifications and available opportunities.

3. Limited Job Prospects: The Kenyan job market is struggling to keep up with the influx of young graduates, leaving many Gen Z individuals feeling left out and unable to find fulfilling employment.

4. Lack of Youth Representation: Kenyan decision-makers, from the government to the corporate world, tend to be dominated by older generations. This leaves Gen Z underrepresented in important conversations that shape their future.

5. Inadequate Mental Health Support: The unique stresses and challenges faced by Kenyan youth are often overlooked, with limited access to mental health resources and support systems.

6. Diminished Economic Opportunities: The economic climate in Kenya poses significant barriers for young entrepreneurs and innovators, limiting the potential of Gen Z to contribute to the growth of the nation.

7. Generational Divide: The widening gap between the experiences and perspectives of older and younger Kenyans has led to a breakdown in intergenerational understanding and collaboration, further alienating Gen Z.

Finance Bill was just a trigger. 

Gen Z have been unhappy with many other things, for far too long.

To address these pressing issues, it is crucial for the Kenyan society as a whole - from parents to policymakers - to actively engage with Gen Z.

Listen to their concerns, and work together to develop comprehensive, long-term solutions that empower and uplift them across the Nation.

To all our beloved Gen Z. We have heard you clearly. We are waking up from our slumber. 

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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