No genuine Pastor should ever complain for being posted in a "small church" or a church in a remote village.
I recently encountered a good friend who out of his own perception asked me this question:
"Why do they keep demoting you by posting you to small churches....?".
That question triggered some emotions in me but the Holy Spirit quickly ministered to me.
I heard an inner voice saying:
"Where God sends, grace abounds!"
Some may see it as a demotion to be assigned to a small church or a remote village.
The Bible has plenty of examples of Kingdom Giants that God sent to places we would naturally not expect them to be sent.
1.John the Baptist.
He was posted to preached in the wilderness, far from the comforts of the city.
There he had the unique privilege to baptize Christ.
2. Ezra
He was posted to lead a group of refugees, facing immense challenges in Babylon, the land of captivity.
There he had the privilege of leading a second Exodus, from Babylon to Jerusalem.
3. Ezekiel
His posting was extremely crazy.
The kind of posting that make pastors pack their bags and resign.
He was called to minister to "Dry Bones" in a desolate valley.
There, he saw what no other prophet has ever seen: resurrection of multitude of dry bones.
He was sent to evangelize a single Ethiopian traveler.
It is like being sent to a church with one foreigner.
These individuals, despite being "posted" to seemingly "less glamorous" assignments, served God faithfully and their work keep speaking to us, thousands of years after.
True fulfillment in Ministry does not comes from the size of the congregation, or the prestige of the location, but from obedience and faithfulness to God's assignment.
The Grace of God follows you to your posting, but it's your faithfulness and your obedience that will determine the manifestation of that Grace.
Don't pity me if my next posting is to a "remote valley" with "dry bones".
That kind of posting will be my unique opportunity to receive "Prophet Ezekiel's Double Anointing".
The next thing you will hear and see, is a Big Army of Kingdom Giants emerging from that remote valley.
Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)
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