Thursday, August 15, 2024

Know Yourself: Self-Discovery

Know Yourself Well.

My dear brethren, today I want us to talk about the importance of self-discovery.

As the wise saying goes:

"Know yourself, and be true to yourself, before they tell you who they want you to be."

Too often in life, we find ourselves moulded and shaped by the expectations and demands of others - our parents, our peers, our society. 

We are told how we should dress, how we should act, what we should study, where we should work, and even who we should be. 

In the process, we easily lose sight of our true selves, our authentic selves.

However, the highest knowledge, is in self-discovery. When we take the time to really know ourselves - our values, our passions, our unique gifts and talents.

Self-discovery is the master key to a genuine fulfilling life.

When we are in touch with who we truly are, we can make decisions that align with our deepest selves. 

We can pursue work that energizes us, relationships that nourish us, and a lifestyle that brings us joy and contentment.

This does not mean that we should completely disregard the opinions and perspectives of those around us. No, no, no, there is enough room to learn from others around us.
But, we must have the courage to stand firm in our authentic selves, even in the face of pressures from the society.

When Jesus discovered Himself in Luke 4:20, all eyes were fixed on him. He became a Wonder.

Your own magic is in self-discovery. 

I challenge you today to embark on a journey of self-discovery. 

Spend time in quiet reflection, exploring your thoughts, your feelings, your dreams, in order to uncover the unique individual that you are.

When you are authentic, when you are true to yourself, you honour the person you were created to be and inspire others to do the same. 

May God bless you with the courage to live out your authentic self.

Your greatest joy and fulfilment in life is in living a life true to your own self. 

“Know yourself, and be true to yourself, before they tell you who they want you to be."

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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