Friday, May 31, 2024

God Remembered Rachel

God Remembered Rachel: He Will Remember You.

“And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb. And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach:” - Genesis 30:22-23 KJV 

Rachel had struggled with barrenness for long. For years, she endured the reproach and shame that often accompany a barren woman.

But God did not forget her. Verse 22 tells us that:

"God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb."

What a beautiful picture of our gracious and loving God.

Even when it seemed all hope was lost, when Rachel may have felt forgotten, God was working behind the scenes. 

God was listening to her cries, her desperate prayers for a child. And He opened her womb, allowing her to conceive and bear a son.

This brought great joy to Rachel, and she rightly exclaimed:

"God hath taken away my reproach," 

The burden she had carried for so long was finally lifted and taken away. 

The shame and stigma that the society had placed on her was finally removed. Totally erased by the gracious mercy of God.

This story is a powerful reminder that our God sees us, He hears our cries, and He is always working for our good - even when we cannot see it. 

No matter how hopeless our situation may seem, no matter how long we have waited, God has not forgotten us. In His perfect timing, He will act on our behalf, just as He did for Rachel.

Let us take heart and hold fast to the promises of God. 

He is a loving Father:
• Who remembers, 
• Who hearkens to our prayers, and 
• Who delights in opening doors that seem impossible to open. 

May we follow the example of Rachel, and declare with joy and confidence:

"God hath taken away my reproach!"

Because if God did it for Rachel, He will do it for you. Your reproach will finally and totally vanish in the thin air.

Congratulations . 

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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