Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mind Your Association

Mind Your Association.

My dear friends, today I want us to reflect on the powerful truth found in Proverbs 13:20, which says: 

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

This verse reminds us of the profound impact that the company we keep has on the trajectory of our lives. 

The quality of our lives cannot be different from the quality of the people we associate with. 

Our associations shape our attitudes, our values, our decisions, and our actions.

This truth cannot be ignored !!!

Jesus spent the whole night in prayer before carefully selecting His twelve disciples. - Luke 6:12-13.

We too must be discerning and intentional about the people we allow to influence us. 

The Bible warns us that "bad company corrupts good morals." The company we keep can either elevate us or drag us down.

When we walk with wise men and women, we are surrounded by those who will challenge us to grow, to think deeply, and to make choices that honor God. 

Their wisdom and godly character will rub off on us, and we will find ourselves becoming wiser and more discerning. 

But a companion of fools, the Bible says, shall be destroyed. 

Those who surround themselves with the foolish, the immoral, and the ungodly, will find their own lives becoming unprofitable. 

Their values will become twisted, their decision-making impaired, and their very souls endangered.

My friends, the power of association is a Game-Changer.
It can either propel us towards greatness or pull us down into ruin. 

Let us therefore be intentional about the company we keep.

Let us seek out the wise, the godly, and the righteous, and let their influence shape us and transform us.

When we walk with the wise, we too will become wise. But if we choose to associate with fools, we risk our own destruction.

If we associate with responsible people, we too become responsible people.

But if we walk with the mediocre, careless and irresponsible people, we easily become just like them.

Don't hesitate to disconnect with unprofitable association.

Association with the right people will make you stand out like a tree that is green and fruitful through out all the seasons. 

"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper". - Ps.1:3 KJV.

Now you know. 

The choice is yours.

But remember: "Choices have consequences".

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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