Monday, May 20, 2024


Your Dress, Your CV

The clothes you wear, a story they tell,
Of who you are, a tale they swell.
From head to toe, a reflection of your soul,
Your dressing, your canvas, a picture to behold.

Modesty and decency, the guiding light,
Adorning yourself with grace, a true delight.
For people will judge, and first impressions do stick,
Your dress, your CV, a lasting legacy to pick.

Whether formal or casual, the choice is yours to make,
But let it be one that dignity and respect will awake.
For in this world, where appearances hold sway,
Your dress speaks volumes, a language to convey.

So choose with care, your garments so fine,
Let them reflect the beauty that lies within.
For your dress, your CV, a testament to behold,
Modesty and decency, a story worth being told.

Boniface Amani Gichina

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