Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Titus in Times of Trouble

A “Titus” in Times of Trouble:

My dear brethren, our Heavenly Father is intimately aware of the trials we face, and He is ever-present and ever-ready to provide us with the refreshment and support we so desperately need.

In 2 Corinthians 7:5-6, Apostle Paul shares a glimpse into the struggles he endured, writing, 

"For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus."

Can you imagine what Paul was going through? 
Facing attacks from without and fears from within. 

He must have felt totally overwhelmed. His flesh had no rest at all.

Yet, in the midst of this trouble, we see God's compassion and timely provision.

The Scripture says,

"God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus." 

When Paul was at his lowest, when he was "cast down",  facing huge challenges; God did not abandon him. 

Instead, the Lord sent Titus to minister to him. To provide him with the comfort and encouragement he so desperately needed.

This is the truth we must hold onto in our own moments of struggle and turmoil. 

No matter how bleak the circumstances may seem, no matter how overwhelming the battles we face, our God is a God of comfort and compassion. 

He is aware of the troubles that weigh heavy on our hearts, and He has a "Titus" – a messenger of hope and restoration – waiting to come to us and lift us up.

Perhaps you find yourself in a season of fighting without and fears within, just as Paul did.

Maybe you feel as though your flesh has no rest, and the burdens you carry seem to press you down from every side. 

Take heart, for our God is faithful, and He will not leave you to face these challenges alone.

Just as He sent Titus to comfort and encourage Paul, so too will God send,

• The right people,
• The right resources, 
• The right divine interventions,
To refresh and restore you. 

Trust in His perfect timing and His unwavering love. Know that He sees your struggles, and He will provide a way forward, a path to peace and renewal.

When we are cast down, our God is there to comfort us. 

When we are troubled on every side, He will send a "Titus" to minister to our weary souls. 

Please Walk, Work and Live with this assurance: -God has a “Titus” for every troubling situation in your life.

Your “Titus” is coming !

Boniface Amani Gichina (CPM)

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