Sunday, October 22, 2023

Shiloh 2023: Redeemed To Flourish In Hard Times - Ps.37:18-19

Covenant highways greeting in the name of Jesus Christ

Today, we see the world going through severe hard times, yet according to biblical prophecies, things will yet get worse – Mat. 24:4-8/12

The hearts of many people, including believers, are beginning to fail them for fear – Luk. 21:25-28

But God still rains bread from heaven today – Exo. 16:4-8/35/ 1 Kgs 17:8-15/ Jhn 6:6-12

This is because God cannot change and will not change – Ecc. 1:9/ Mal. 3:6/ Heb. 13:8

ü  We saw how God fed three million people with two meals per day for forty long years                        – Exo. 16:8/35

ü  God also caused water to flow out of the rock for all their water needs all through those years                                 – Num. 20:11/ Isa. 48:21

The truth is that hard times are real, and famine is synonymous with every generation of mankind.

However, all our covenant fathers went through hard times, but those times had no negative impact on them; We saw famine in the days of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, but they all flourished supernaturally in their respective times of famine.

We are in the days of global economic dearth that will cause kings of nations to run out for solution to the challenges of the day, but they that fear the Lord and are walking in the covenant of abundance shall continue to flourish in hard times – Mal. 3:16-18/ Mal. 4:1-2/ Phi. 4:15-19

I believe flourishing in hard times is the Word for the season; people must know how to gain access to supernatural supplies – 2 Chr. 15:3-7/12-15.

The good news is that Jesus has the answer to all of man’s diverse needs, including man’s need for supernatural supplies in times of famine – Mat. 11:28-29

But a natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit because they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them because they can only be spiritually comprehended – 1 Cor. 2:12-14

For example; we are redeemed to be exempted from shame in the time of famine – Psa. 33:18-19

Secondly, seeking first the kingdom of God will endear believers to God for favour that will preserve them in hard times –Mat. 6:33

At Shiloh 2023, the Spirit of God shall be unveiling to us:

ü Plenty in the time of famine – 1 Kgs 17:8-15/ 2Kgs. 4:1 - 7

ü Celebration in time of devastation and destruction – Psa. 37:18 – 19/ Mal. 4:1 - 2

Therefore, the theme for Shiloh 2023 is:


Shiloh 2023 shall mark the end of dry seasons in every participant’s life, because God shall be putting into our hands the key to supernatural supplies – Gen. 47:15-17

There shall be diverse manifestations of the giving grace that will secure everyone’s dignity in these hard times – Mal. 3:9 – 18/ Mal. 4:1-2

Every Winner should endeavour to be at Shiloh this year, either on ground here at Canaanland or across any of our viewing centers around the world.

Looking forward to seeing you at Shiloh, come December 5 – 10, 2023

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo

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